+90 212-674 29 68 (pbx) mediteks@mediteks.com

Hygiene Kit

Products for Pharmacy

Triangular Bandages

First-Aid Kit

Mediflex First-Aid Kit is a well-stocked first-aid kit that is roomy, durable, easy to carry, and simple to open. Its plastic tackle box is lightweight, have handles, and offers a lot of space. Kept within easy reach, the well-endowed Mediflex First-Aid Kit will help you handle an emergency at a moment’s notice.


- 1 Medifilex Cold / Hot Pack 14x14cm
- 1 pair of Scissors
- 1
pair of Examination Gloves
- First air Plasters (10 pieces)
- Absorbent Cotton gauses Bandage 10X150 cm
- Elastic bandage 6 cm 1 pieces
- Conforming Elastic Bandage 10 cm x 2 m (1 pieces)
- Conforming Elastic Bandage 6 cm x 4 m (1 pieces)
- Vaseflex Sterile Paraffinned Gauze Swab (1 piece)
- Sterile Gauze Swab 30 cm x 40 cm (1 piece)